Accessibility in the Design Process (Color)

What is accessibility? In web and application design, accessibility means how many people can use your interface. Design trends and standards can make it sleeker, cooler, easier, or harder to use, but every design choice has an impact on the whole system’s usability — and some choices can exclude entire categories of people from accessing […]

UI Design Systems

example of layout components for a design system on a wall with hand written notes

All websites, regardless of size, are made up of common elements. Some pieces are small (think buttons or headers) and some pieces are big (image galleries or news feeds). A design system organizes these common elements into reusable patterns that can be combined to make any page or interface you need.

Is your hypertext too hyper?

Traffic trails on a highway

If your page is full of links that people find confusing or distracting, and if the only design solution is to make those links harder to see, what you have is a content problem.

For SEO and Accessibility, There’s No Alt-ernative

A dog writing alt text

Are you writing alt text for your images? If not, it’s time to start. Like right now. It may seem like an interruption or an extra step, but alt text is critical for both accessibility and SEO. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be difficult.

What Responsive Design Can Teach Us About Accessibility

A stylized illustration of a digital key

“Every time you try to operate one of these weird black controls that are labelled in black on a black background, a little black light lights up black to let you know you’ve done it.— Restaurant at the End of the Universe”