
What Self-Driving Cars Teach Us About Content Management

Image of a self-driving car's heads up display in motion

Though technology is reshaping our world every day, complex situations often require the human ability to strategize, connect, and communicate. Someone who can take the wheel, make decisions, and steer the site towards success. A great example? A complex website needs a managing editor.

An Agile Approach to Content Management Systems

An image of a person prototyping content management

Before agile, developers would build what they thought you’d need and spend months polishing that concept. Now, we invite you in early so we can design a CMS that’s a much better fit for you and your organization.

The Complexity of Flexibility

An overflowing pile of Lego blocks

When designing the functionality of a website’s content management system, people often want a highly flexible system filled with options and variations. Or, at least, they think they do. The challenge is that the more flexibility you add, the more complicated everything becomes.

What Studying the Humanities Taught Me About Software Development

A laptop with crumpled wads of paper

Back in my computer science days, I took a programming class where the professor decided to assign us a project to show us how real-world programming gets done (or ought to get done). We discussed the problem we were trying to solve in extreme detail The professor dictated the precise toolset we were supposed to […]

For SEO and Accessibility, There’s No Alt-ernative

A dog writing alt text

Are you writing alt text for your images? If not, it’s time to start. Like right now. It may seem like an interruption or an extra step, but alt text is critical for both accessibility and SEO. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be difficult.

What Responsive Design Can Teach Us About Accessibility

A stylized illustration of a digital key

“Every time you try to operate one of these weird black controls that are labelled in black on a black background, a little black light lights up black to let you know you’ve done it.— Restaurant at the End of the Universe”

Div Hacking: Chopping Off Corners

An image of a colorful city at night, with a perforated corner revealing code

So you need a triangle shape in the corner of a div. Maybe it’s just a graphical flourish. Maybe you’re using it as a backdrop for an icon. I don’t know why. I’m not judging. Sometimes you just need triangles.

Building Sane, Reusable WordPress Templates with Timber and Twig

An image of the author with Hulk hands shares the foreground with an illustrated ninja over a backdrop of code

Traditional WordPress templates are written in PHP code that mixes HTML output with more advanced programming logic. The Timber plugin for Wordpress lets you move the markup part of your templates into separate files written in Twig, a simple yet powerful templating language. When you separate logic from layout in this way, your themes will be easier to read, easier to edit, and more portable.