Enrollment Strategy

Web Content Strategy- Admissions, Financial Aid, Student Affairs

Help Students Achieve Top Goals

Where’s my degree? How much will it cost? Will I like it here? These three questions are the most common and critical in the student enrollment journey. Providing this information quickly and easily builds trust and helps students believe that you will help them achieve their goals. 

NewCity can review the content and pathways to and around these three areas, evaluating your site from the student perspective. We’ll help you create and deliver content that strikes the balance between helping students accomplish what they came to do, while meeting your school’s goals. 

We’ll undertake activities like journey mapping, core content modeling, content work plans, content governance recommendations, content coaching, copywriting and editing.

Questions we’ll ask:

  • What actions do users want to perform? 
  • What kinds of questions do they want answers to?
  • Why do people contact you?
  • What are your most often used services?
  • What content would help them complete those tasks in the easiest way possible?